About Me

- Stephenville, Newfoundland, Canada
- SCAPA is a NO-kill, NO-cage animal shelter serving the Bay St. George area of Western Newfoundland. SCAPA survives solely on the support of the community and it's volunteers.
Friday, 6 May 2011
Howley Mayor Plans to Murder Feral Cats, Even Those of TNR Programs
The mayor of Howley, Newfoundland, wants to kill Howley's feral cats, including ones that have already been trap-neutered and released, and he is considering using a gas chamber to do so.
It is well known that this is a barbaric, horrific way to kill an animal and that it takes the animal up to 20 minutes to die a very painful, agonizing death.
He was offered a trap-neuter-release (TNR) program by several major animal welfare groups at no expense to the town of Howley. He turned his back on this offer.
Despite his refusal, to prevent a further increase in the feral cat population, in late January and early February of this year, S.C.A.P.A., a no cage, no kill animal shelter in Stephenville, worked with the animal welfare groups and local veterinarians to TNR most of the Howley feral cats.
These cats now have caretakers to look after them and shelter to protect them from the elements. Their ears have been tipped clearly indicating that the cats had been neutered and vaccinated.
Many of these cats are abandoned pets and so are merely semi-feral. Nevertheless, Mayor Samms and Howley Town Council still want to gas these cats! Please tell Mayor Samms that gassing animals is inhumane!
To sign SCAPA's petition against such action, please go to the group "Support the No Kill Shelter, Stephenville, NL". This group is on Face Book.
Please protest this action further by writing to the Mayor & Council, Howley, Newfoundland, Canada. Please express your disgust by contacting newspapers, TV and radio stations, and area politicians. Post your comments on Twitter. Repost this article on FB as a note. HELP to save innocent lives.
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