Please donate to help the animals at the SCAPA NO-KILL ANIMAL SHELTER. Every little bit helps. If everyone gave a small bit of food, or a small monetery donation monthly, then the Shelter could continue to take care of the little orphans. Please send donations to:
SCAPA Animal Shelter,
15 Utah Drive,
Stephenville, NL,
To make an appointment to adopt please call 709-643-2811
About Me

- Stephenville, Newfoundland, Canada
- SCAPA is a NO-kill, NO-cage animal shelter serving the Bay St. George area of Western Newfoundland. SCAPA survives solely on the support of the community and it's volunteers.
Wednesday, 18 May 2011
Tuesday, 10 May 2011
Sunday, 8 May 2011
FERAL CATS Send Requests to Howley Mayor & Council

Howley, located in Newfoundland, Canada is about to be put on the map...for better, or for worse. Whether this turns out to be a good thing, or a less than positive thing for the town all depends on the future actions of its mayor and council, and how said mayor and council handles their feral cat population.
SCAPA Animal Welfare Group in Stephenville, Newfoundland, the URth ORDER of the BLACK ROSE, RUFFFF WARRIORS, and even the ANIMAL LIBERATION FRONT are mobilizing all resources and contacts to save these cats.
The Problem: Gwen Samms of SCAPA, in Stephenville, Newfoundland and Animal Alliance had gone into Howley to save their feral cat population and to put them through a trap-neuter-release program. All international animal rights groups choose this action to prevent ferals from reproducing.
Instead of thanking SCAPA and Aniaml Alliance for their generosity the Town's Mayor & Council got their shorts in a knot, probably because they failed to provide the necessuties of life for these, their own, little creatures.
Howley Mayor and Council took the perspective that this was done without their permission. Sorry folks, when it comes to saving lives we do NOT ask anyone's permission. Cruelty and suffering are everybody's business. If you saw a child- molester hurting a baby would you intervene? Of course you would. The same law applies to animals.
In response, the Mayor & Council decided thay would MURDER THE VICTIMS !
The feral cats of Howley, Newfoundland request that the Mayor and Council take a different of LOVE and LIFE AFFIRMING. They make the following requests:
1)That the Mayor and Council withdraw its declaration of war against the Town's feral cat population.
2)...That present and future ferals in Howley, Newfoundland be granted a stay of execution, and be granted the right to live their lives unmolested.
3)...That Howley's Mayor & Council financially subsidize all future Spay-Neuter-Release programs for its feral cat colony.
4)...That the Mayor and Council put into effect a program to provide adequate housing for its feral cat population. This could be a community project, with student and volunteers helping, and lumber companies making donations of materials.The effort could unite the Town under a banner of love.
5)...That the Mayor and Council, of Howley, Newfoundland, Canada pass a resolution to provide its feral population with a monthly grant, to be used by care-givers to purchase "Food for Ferals".
6)..,That the Mayor and Council stand to any medical veterinary bills of the colony.
7)...That in future the Mayor and Council of Howley, Newfoundland, Canada practice LOVE and LIFE AFFIRMING actions in their relationship wit all of URth's creatures who are under our Guardianship.
I beg Howley Mayor and Council to rise to this occasion in a positive way.
The eyes of the free world, and beyond, are on your little town. Do you want to be seen as another Whistler?
The MEDIA MACHINE has been mobilized. TV stations, radio stations, animal welfare groups, animal liberation groups, and newspapers across the continent all await your actions...with bated breath.
Fingers are poised to send messages around the world via TWITTER and FaceBook.
Howley. it is your move....or to quote Meat Loaf, "What's It Gonna Be Boy"?
If you press that button to murder those cats, you will bring down upon your head the wrath of animal lovers around the world.
May I suggest, instead, that you consider the requests made for the feral cat colony, and that you choose LIFE instead of DEATH for them?
The URth ORDER of the BLACK ROSE is dedicated to the protection of the URth's feral cats, and intend to be their voice in this situation.
See us at
The cruelty never ends...
As we pulled into the parking lot of SCAPA this morning we became outraged at what we were looking at..Outraged because of what was done to this poor little kitten...Someone, or "something" as I prefer to call them, tossed this terrified little kitten over the 7ft fence ,down on the cement of this dog pen.
Thankfully we are not using this pen because it needs some repairs so there were no dogs in there..BUT there is a lock on this pen so that means they had to toss him over the top which has wire fencing across part of the top , the last dog who was in there was a climber..So not only did they toss him over, they had to toss him towards the back of this pen.
As I took photos the other volunteer ran inside the shelter to get the keys to the pen. As we were unlocking the gate we could see how much this little terrified kitten was shivering.Partly from being cold but mostly from being so terrified and confused about what was done to him..I quickly put him under my sweat-shirt and ran inside to warm him up and check him over for injuries.He was a little tender but okay.
This kitten was NO stray,he was someone's pet .He is completely people friendly..It only took a few minutes of reasuring him that he is now safe before he cuddled into my neck and fell fast asleep while singing to me..
My dear friend and foster mom Eve dropped by a short time later and as soon as I told her the story she wrapped him in a blanket and took him home with her..He is now safe and recieving so much love with his new foster mom.
Thank you Eve,we don't know what we would do without you..You are truely an angel to kitties in need...This sweet little soul will soon need a forever home...If you have room in your heart for this little soul who was so heartlessly thrown away please call SCAPA at (709) 643-2811.
Friday, 6 May 2011
Howley Mayor Plans to Murder Feral Cats, Even Those of TNR Programs
The mayor of Howley, Newfoundland, wants to kill Howley's feral cats, including ones that have already been trap-neutered and released, and he is considering using a gas chamber to do so.
It is well known that this is a barbaric, horrific way to kill an animal and that it takes the animal up to 20 minutes to die a very painful, agonizing death.
He was offered a trap-neuter-release (TNR) program by several major animal welfare groups at no expense to the town of Howley. He turned his back on this offer.
Despite his refusal, to prevent a further increase in the feral cat population, in late January and early February of this year, S.C.A.P.A., a no cage, no kill animal shelter in Stephenville, worked with the animal welfare groups and local veterinarians to TNR most of the Howley feral cats.
These cats now have caretakers to look after them and shelter to protect them from the elements. Their ears have been tipped clearly indicating that the cats had been neutered and vaccinated.
Many of these cats are abandoned pets and so are merely semi-feral. Nevertheless, Mayor Samms and Howley Town Council still want to gas these cats! Please tell Mayor Samms that gassing animals is inhumane!
To sign SCAPA's petition against such action, please go to the group "Support the No Kill Shelter, Stephenville, NL". This group is on Face Book.
Please protest this action further by writing to the Mayor & Council, Howley, Newfoundland, Canada. Please express your disgust by contacting newspapers, TV and radio stations, and area politicians. Post your comments on Twitter. Repost this article on FB as a note. HELP to save innocent lives.
Thursday, 5 May 2011
Tuesday, 3 May 2011
We Need FUR-ever Homes
Tubby is a sweet boy looking for a FUR-ever home.
Zeus is waiting....and waiting...waiting for a FUR-ever Mom or Dad to take him home.
Sasha & Homer want FUR-ever homes.
Hi ,my name is SAGO and I am hoping that someone out there in computer land will see how handsome and sweet I am and will welcome me into their heart and home...You see my family tossed me out of my home..Instead of taking me to the vet to have something done, called neutering so I wouldn't smell they just tossed me out like I had no feeling or wasn't worth anything..It was very cold (winter) when they threw me away.I was hungry and cold all the time.I was always trying to find food and a warm safe place to keep warm so I didn't have time to groom myself and my once beautiful fur became shabby and my skin began to hurt because all of the fur on my back became matted and was pulling my skin... I was scared and oh so tired all the time,my body ached from hunger and matted fur.I was loosing weight and hope each day that passed.I missed my home but most of all I missed being loved...I don't understand why my family just threw me away..Didn't they know how much I loved them,didn't they care about me,are they not worried about me?I guess not because they wouldn't let me back in my home no matter how many times I begged them when they came to the door.. Thank god a nice lady found me and called SCAPA...The volunteers at SCAPA came and rescued me from the cold mean streets and took me to the shelter...As you can see I am once again a beautiful big boy...well thats what the volunteers tell me every day.My skin doesn't hurt anymore because the volunteers cut away that big mat that was on my back..I have gained weight and my fur is beautiful once again. The volunteers took me to the vet where they did a test for something called Fiv/Felv and I am negative (They tell me that is good news),then I was NEUTERED,vaccinated, given worm treatment .. I am so happy to be safe ,warm and loved once again here at SCAPA...I worked hard posing for all these photos in hopes someone will see just how loving,sweet and precious I am and come and adopt me...SCAPA would like to save more kitties that are down on their luck just like I was but in order to save more they need loving people to adopt us.... And I wouldn't mind going to a loving FURever home to make room at SCAPA for more kitties in need.....PLEASE ADOPT ME,I PROMISE TO LOVE YOU FOREVER.. My number here at SCAPA is 709-643-2811 Hope to see you soon,with love from Sago....
My name is Pepper, and I am very grateful to the SCAPA Animal Shelter for rescuing me.
But, my agony is not yet over. I have a growth on my back, and it hurts. Sometimes I whimper at night, but I do not want to disturb the other animals so I try not to do it too loudly.
I am four years old and they say that I am a grey brindle color, and that I am very handsome.
I am a little shy, but also gentle and sweet....I would make a great companion for you if you would allow me into your home and your heart.
Meanwhile, can you please help me to get the surgery that I need?
I will ask the Shelter Manager to put this in our blog, hoping that someone might want me, or help me.
Zeus is waiting....and waiting...waiting for a FUR-ever Mom or Dad to take him home.
Sasha & Homer want FUR-ever homes.
Hi ,my name is SAGO and I am hoping that someone out there in computer land will see how handsome and sweet I am and will welcome me into their heart and home...You see my family tossed me out of my home..Instead of taking me to the vet to have something done, called neutering so I wouldn't smell they just tossed me out like I had no feeling or wasn't worth anything..It was very cold (winter) when they threw me away.I was hungry and cold all the time.I was always trying to find food and a warm safe place to keep warm so I didn't have time to groom myself and my once beautiful fur became shabby and my skin began to hurt because all of the fur on my back became matted and was pulling my skin... I was scared and oh so tired all the time,my body ached from hunger and matted fur.I was loosing weight and hope each day that passed.I missed my home but most of all I missed being loved...I don't understand why my family just threw me away..Didn't they know how much I loved them,didn't they care about me,are they not worried about me?I guess not because they wouldn't let me back in my home no matter how many times I begged them when they came to the door.. Thank god a nice lady found me and called SCAPA...The volunteers at SCAPA came and rescued me from the cold mean streets and took me to the shelter...As you can see I am once again a beautiful big boy...well thats what the volunteers tell me every day.My skin doesn't hurt anymore because the volunteers cut away that big mat that was on my back..I have gained weight and my fur is beautiful once again. The volunteers took me to the vet where they did a test for something called Fiv/Felv and I am negative (They tell me that is good news),then I was NEUTERED,vaccinated, given worm treatment .. I am so happy to be safe ,warm and loved once again here at SCAPA...I worked hard posing for all these photos in hopes someone will see just how loving,sweet and precious I am and come and adopt me...SCAPA would like to save more kitties that are down on their luck just like I was but in order to save more they need loving people to adopt us.... And I wouldn't mind going to a loving FURever home to make room at SCAPA for more kitties in need.....PLEASE ADOPT ME,I PROMISE TO LOVE YOU FOREVER.. My number here at SCAPA is 709-643-2811 Hope to see you soon,with love from Sago....

My name is Pepper, and I am very grateful to the SCAPA Animal Shelter for rescuing me.
But, my agony is not yet over. I have a growth on my back, and it hurts. Sometimes I whimper at night, but I do not want to disturb the other animals so I try not to do it too loudly.
I am four years old and they say that I am a grey brindle color, and that I am very handsome.
I am a little shy, but also gentle and sweet....I would make a great companion for you if you would allow me into your home and your heart.
Meanwhile, can you please help me to get the surgery that I need?
I will ask the Shelter Manager to put this in our blog, hoping that someone might want me, or help me.
Sunday, 1 May 2011
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