About Me

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Stephenville, Newfoundland, Canada
SCAPA is a NO-kill, NO-cage animal shelter serving the Bay St. George area of Western Newfoundland. SCAPA survives solely on the support of the community and it's volunteers.

Friday, 24 February 2012

While One Lives, Another Dies

As I'm sure most Trooper supporters know by now, Trooper had surgery today at AVC (Atlantic Veterinary College) in Charlottetown, PEI. After showing some signs of improvement regarding the nerve damage in his bladder and tail, the veterinarians decided to go ahead with Trooper's surgery today. While we were initially worried that Trooper would lose both his hind legs, good news came a few short days ago that only one would need to be removed. Trooper's leg was so badly damaged due to the frost bite he endured after spending hours frozen in the ice that they had no choice but to remove it. He was also neutered during the surgery, which lasted 2 1/2 hours. After waking the brave little guy was both groggy and cranky, but who wouldn't be! He is currently resting and his condition is being monitored. Please keep Trooper in your thoughts and prayers while he continues on his road to recovery.

While a sense of relief came with the good news regarding Trooper, SCAPA got hit in the face with a harsh dose of reality this past Wednesday. A large, male cat was brought to SCAPA's doors wrapped up in a box, obviously in very rough shape; bleeding from his private area. He was immediately rushed to our local clinic where Dr. Boyd did everything she could for him. Once he was hooked up to everything available at this small clinic he was then rushed to the fully equipped clinic in Maidestone. Here he took a heart attack. He was resuscitated by Dr. McGregor, but lost again. This beautiful boy did not make it. According to Dr. McGregor of West Coast Veterinary Services, he had a urinary track infection that was simply left for too long without treatment.

Thank you to both Dr. Boyd and Dr. McGregor who gave him the best chance he had. And a BIG THANK YOU to the 2 women who saw this sick boy and took it upon themselves to do something.

Before these caring women saw him, he had been wandering the area for about 1 week. While many people saw him, they assumed he lived in the area so they didn't report him to anyone. Unfortunately, it can be difficult to tell weather a wandering animal has a home, as many people still let their pets wander. We beg you, if you have pets PLEASE keep them inside and only allow them outside on leash and under supervision. You wouldn't let your young child play and wander the streets alone, please don't let your furry friends do so either!

We encourage you, if you see a wandering animal, do not assume it has a home. Get close to the animal, if possible, and check them out for yourselves. And if you aren't completely sure, please call SCAPA or your local rescue. It's better to be safe than sorry. If we had gotten to this sick boy sooner his life may have been spared.

Unfortunately, cases like this are not rare in our area. Please spread the word, educate when the opportunity presents itself, and support your local No-Kill, No-Cage animal shelter. Together we can make a difference!


  1. I'm so with you on that,not letting your cats or dogs roam free.I built an outdoor room for my 2 cats. Depending on space you can close your veranda off. Put fencing around the sides. Also one of my cats about 3 or 4 times in the summer he wants to go for a walk on his leash around the yard.God Bless those Ladies whom brought the cat in. It's always so sad when they don't make it.

  2. That is so sad. Many years ago I took in a cat whose owners took her to our vet to be put down because she kept peeing on the floor. Imagine! Just because she peed on the floor they wanted to end her life. Beautiful Himalayan with the loveliest eyes. We had her treated for a bladder infection, but it didn't go away. Those people had left it so long that she had gotten a kidney infection. We had her for a short time, loved her but she succumbed to the kidney infection. Buffy. Why do people not take proper care of animals? I don't understand. If you don't want to care for them like you care for the rest of your family, we'd rather you didn't get a pet. I know all of you here agree with me. We are to tend to the Garden and animals.
