I would like to thank everyone for following Trooper's story. We want to keep you in the loop every step of the way as Trooper has touched the hearts of so many kind and caring people. And your outpouring support has touched our hearts as well.
I apologize that some of this information will be repeated updates from yesterday. I missed a few things in the blog and would like to make sure that everyone has the most up to date information directly from us.
Trooper's Current Condition
It has been determined, after Trooper's X-Rays on Monday February 13th, that he has suffered from 3 pelvic fractures and nerve damaged. While his fractures can be corrected, the main concern is the nerve damage that keeps Trooper from having control of his bodily functions. He is currently in veterinary care where he is receiving pain management and is being kept comfortable. While there are still no changes in his condition, he is eating and drinking on his own and is in good spirits.
It has been decided that Trooper will be sent to the Atlantic Veterinary College in Charlottetown, PEI to receive further treatment. Gwen Samms, Shelter Manager, will be accompanying Trooper on his trip to PEI. We are still waiting for the arrangements to be made for their flight and will let everyone know, as soon as we do, when they will be making their trip.
Trooper recently had his blood work done and everything is looking good. He has also tested negative for Fiv/Felv. His veterinarian is estimating his age at a little over 1 year old.
We would like to thank everyone who has donated to Trooper. We have been receiving donations from as little as $1 and up, from ALL OVER the world! Remember that
NO donation is too small! Trooper's medical care costs are continually rising and we could use all the support we can get.
If you are interested in donating towards Trooper's medical costs please see the previous post to see how you can help!
A Sincere Thanks
Again, we are so grateful for all the support we have been receiving. I would like to take a moment to give a
BIG THANK YOU to the COMFORT INN in Charlottetown, PEI. They will be allowing Gwen Samms to stay with them free of charge for as long as she needs! We are unsure of how long that will be at the moment. She will be staying for Trooper's assessment and a decision will be made once we know more.
Helping An Animal In Need
While Trooper's story is heart breaking, we hope that something positive can come from it; a chance for people to learn how they can help an animal in need.
PLEASE, we beg you, if you see an injured, abandoned, or stray animal DO NOT turn your back on it. YOU can save a life. There is no joy like the joy that comes from knowing you made a real & positive difference in the life of another being.
There are a number of ways in which you can help:
-Provide shelter for strays.
Learn how to build an easy shelter by following the link: Feral Cat Shelters.
-Provide strays with food. What about the dinner left on your plate you were about to throw out? Or the leftovers from last night's supper. There's always a hungry belly that could use it!
-Get in contact with your local shelter or rescue. There are MANY WAYS in which they can use your help. Be it foster care, dog walking, creating promotional material, fundraising or just spreading the word. There's ALWAYS something you can do! The list is endless.
-Start a TNR (Trap, Neuter & Release) program in your area. TNR WORKS! It is the humane way to take control of the feral cat population.
-SPAY OR NEUTER YOUR ANIMAL. This cannot be stressed enough! We all need to take responsibility for our own pets. If everyone would do just this one thing the stray population would be reduced dramatically.
-Don't shop, ADOPT! There's an abandoned animal out there to suit each and every person's needs and wants. Using a website like Petfinder you can find your perfect companion. A rescued animal will be forever grateful and bond with you like no other.
Begin your search here: Pet Finder.
-If you find an injured animal, please investigate. Provide it with food, water, shelter and warmth while you contact your local shelter or rescue. If it is past business hours use your local veterinarian's emergency line, or any other emergency line (such as the police or fire station). They will put you in contact with the right people after hours! DO NOT give up until you get in contact with someone! And ALWAYS leave a message while you continue to search!
If you are unsure of what you can do to help you can always use Google searches to help you find answers. Or contact a local rescue. Or contact us! We will always take the time to point you in the right direction!
I mentioned volunteering for a local rescue earlier and I would like to put out a plea for volunteers in our area, and beyond. SCAPA is only a small collection of volunteers in the Bay St. George area of Newfoundland and we could always use more! If you are interested in volunteering with us please contact us. All of our contact information is listed on the right side of this page.
Please, Help Us Help The Animals!